1. Take a nice, hot shower.
2. Go outside and go for a walk.
3. Go get a good workout.
4. Curl up in bed and take a mid-day nap.
5. Read a book.
6. Ask for help when you need help.
7. Journal our current thoughts and feelings.
8. Take a 24 hour break from social media.
9. Light your favorite candle, and enjoy the smell.
10. Put on fresh, clean, comfy clothes.
11. Take a 10 minute break and focus on your breathing.
12. Eat or drink a healthy, energizing snack.
13. Spend time with a good friend, or a loved one.
14. Read some inspiring quotes.
15.Shave your legs, use a coffee scrub and a face mask.
16. Cook a meal from scratch and enjoy it.
17. Enjoy an early night in, solo.
18. Clean out your purse.
19. Make a list of your best qualities.
20.Create a budget.