1. I am blessed with happiness, peace of mind, good vibrant health, wealth and prosperity, and success in all areas of my life now and forever.
2. There are no limits to what I can achieve.
3. I am a success magnet.
4. Today, I am optimistic. I remember that my thoughts create my reality. I think positively and surround myself with positive energy.
5. I move forward with courage one moment at a time and congratulate myself for the small achievements,
6. My soul
is beautiful.
7. Bad things dont last forever.
8. I have the freedom and the power to create the life I desire.
9. I love my mind, body, and soul.
10. I am stronger than negative thoughts.
11. I am worthy of love and respect.
12. I inspire thouse around me.
13. I let go of grudges.
14. The past is irrevleant.
15. I am doing my best.
16. I am always safe and divinely protected and guided.
17. I am grateful for the money and the possessions I already have.
18. I am getting stronger everyday.
19. I am happy and content with my life.
20. I am filled with gratitude.