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  • Writer's pictureMarni

January Recap

WOW! The first month of 2022 is already coming to a close. January is always a month that's hard to navigate for me. Like most, I start the year in full swing; ready to conquer anything and everything and with big plans to CHANGE MY LIFE. But then the first 5 days pass by and I get back into my usual routine. This January has felt particularly magical for me though as I spent significantly more time alone which gave me time to reflect, focus and dial in on what I really want, what brings me the most joy and what things/habits bring me the most happiness.

I knew I wanted to cut back on my drinking this month and I feel like I did really well in that area. For the first 19 days of January, I didn't drink at all! Over the course of the entire month, I drank on 4 occasions- 2 date nights, one girls night and a game night in. I found that after 2 drinks I was just the right amount of tipsy. This was a huge win for me as I saved a TON of money, avoided many mornings feeling shitty and anxious and even managed to drop some weight in the process. Drinking less is a win all around.

I started taking a daily greens supplement. I know I don't get nearly enough fruits or veggies in on a daily basis, so I opted for a daily dose of greens in powder form and have been really loving it. I feel more energetic after shooting my greens back and have noticed its help to keep me more regular in the bathroom too. Here is the powder I've been using:

I committed to a daily gratitude journal practice. I keep my gratitude journal by my coffee machine so that I remember to write in it everyday, usually while my coffee is brewing. I've played with several journals over the years but this is the only one I've found I can stick with:

I like that instead of just having your answer daily prompts or list things out everyday, it gives you a space in the morning to set an intention, affirmation and gratitude list. Then at night, it gives a space to reflect on the day and check off how you felt as well as something you'll do to prep for the next day.

I read five.... yes, FIVE books!

*Girls in the Garden (mystery)

*Reckless Girls (mystery, thriller)

*Look What You Made Me Do (mystery, thriller) SO GOOD

*How to do the Work (personal development)

*The Invitation (mystery, thriller)

and I am currently finishing up The Family Tree (you guess it, another mystery)

The biggest takeaway from this month is that protecting my alone time, being intentional about boundaries and clear communication around drinking has been a game changer for me. I was able to boost sales in all of my businesses because I was more clear headed and had more time to actually put my creativity and thoughts into action. I was able to create new healthy habits (gratitude journal and greens shot) because I wasn't overloading my brain with information and other to-dos. It might sound silly, but even taking a green shot would have slipped my brain most days because I was overloading it with too many other things; OR, I was too hung over to give a shit about self care. By saying NO to a lot of things, I was able to say YES to the most important things. I still fit in plenty of fun but didn't have to adjust my days around the fun. I planned my fun around my self care and work.

Overall, January was great.

February's focus is FINANCE. Buckling down on a budget, investing in my retirement accounts and savings! If you're on my email list, be on the lookout for financial freebies, tips and other printables coming to your inbox next month!

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xoxo, Marni

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